MCW Energy Group Limited (MCWEF) - an Emerging Growth Company
[Formerly McWhirter Distributing Company] For 75 years, MCW Fuels has been distributing oil and diesel products throughout western United States and has become one of the leading distributors in the petroleum products industry on the west coast. Established in 1938, MCW Fuels now markets over 150 million gallons of branded and unbranded fuels per year, with 2012 sales totalling $363,300,000, (up from sales of $241,500,000 in 2011 and sales of $188,700,000 in 2010.) Beginning with a single distributorship in Van Nuys, California, MCW Fuels has an aggressive acquisition program underway, purchasing Westco Petroleum Distributors Inc., and Ocean Pacific Fuels Inc. in June/July, 2012.
MCW Energy Group (MCWEF) Projects Windfall Reduction in Oil Sands Costs to $28 per Barrel
MCW’s oil sands processing costs have now been projected downwards to $ 28.00 USD per barrel, mainly due to lower costs of the petroleum products being used in the extraction process, such as solvent blends, diesel fuel, liquefied propane, heating oil and natural gas condensates.
All of these energy/processing component prices have fallen in tandem with the current dramatic fall in world oil prices. Condensate prices are down 50%. Solvent blend, diesel fuel and propane prices are down an average of 40%. asks: Is MCW Oil Sands (MCWEF) NOW the Lowest Cost Unconventional Oil Play In North America?
MCW Energy Group, Inc. (MCWEF) updated the market Monday Dec 26th on their new oil sands production plant in Vernal Utah and progress on major joint venture projects globally.
More importantly, some back-of-the-napkin math updating their of their oil production cost assumptions makes MCW Oil Sands Recovery by our calculations by far the lowest cost unconventional oil producer in North America…and quite possibly the world ex-Venezuela.
MCW Energy Group (MCWEF) To Begin 250 bbl/day Utah Oil Production in Late January
MCW Energy Group, Inc. (MCWEF) updated the market Monday on their new oil sands production plant in Vernal Utah and progress on major joint venture projects globally.
MCW Oil Sands Recovery LLC has begun the final phase of commercial production mode which will have an anticipated capacity of at least 250 bbl/day. Pursuant to this next step, an exemption for an Air Quality Permit has been filed. A Groundwater Permit Application has also been completed. These permits from Utah will authorize the plant’s operation up to an anticipated production capacity of 250 bbl/day.