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10 Compelling Reasons to Own GlyEco BEFORE Wall Street Gets On Board

Dr. John Faessel, an independent equities research pro for whom we at NBT respect highly, has been on the GlyEco (GLYE) bandwagon since early this year. Although he is an alumni of my arch rival USC (me being a UCLA guy) I value his research work highly.

Since they are in their “quiet period” on an equity raise, we have not been able to publish our sponsored research on GLYE—that’s the rules (for now—SEC meeting today on “quiet period” insanity to change to 21st century).

He calls GLYE a “Speculation Par Excellence”—with this equity round done we strongly believe it moves up the food chain to highly profitable emerging growth company without equal.

Quick snapshot:

Management’s revenue/earnings projections from the 7 acquisitions already concluded:

- year one EPS are projected at $0.40 a share

- projected 2012 revenue is $6 million

- projected 2013 revenue is $48 million

- projected 2014 revenue is $73 million


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