NBT Research Report

We are initiating coverage of BOLDFACE Group, Inc. with a Speculative Buy Rating and $1.50 target price on 87.4MM million shares fully diluted and 5 X DPV of 2015 NBT revenue forecast of @$40 million.


Initiating Coverage of BOLDFACE Group, Inc. with $1.50 Short Term Target
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Boldface Group Adds $1.5 Million to Rapidly Expand Kardashian Cosmetic Line

Boldface Group (BLBK) closed a $1.5 million financing round which allows them to greatly expand the marketing effort behind their “Kardashian Beauty” line of cosmetics.

The “KB” line sales have doubled quarter-over-quarter…and extra working capital means MORE in-store displays in the 4100 stores in which they are already selling. All reports say the “Naked” lip gloss is the BIG seller…and if my female friends are a leading indicator of demand…well let’s just say EVERY woman I know who tries it LOVES it…and gets quickly addicted!

Next place to conquer? International…where the Kardashian TV shows are extremely popular.

Source: PRNewswire


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