NBT Research Report

With research firm IDC estimating data storage doubling every two years, the need for storage resources which can handle complex and mixed systems that combine both file and block data (i.e. unified data storage)...

NBT Initiates .75 Target On IceWEB Storage (IWEB) w/10X Upside
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IceWEB Hires The Right CEO at Right Time

When an emerging growth company loses its founder (in the case to a tragic death) it’s the ultimate test of the board of directors to find the “right guy” to fill the crucial position in the management team.

Kudos to Chairman Hal Compton, Sr. for the recruitment of Rob Howe as CEO of IceWEB…as we say in TV “it’s a big time get.”

With 24 years in the technology industry, with companies ranging from privately held startups to several of the largest technology corporations… Mr. Howe has to connections needed for expanding IWEB’s sales channels into major accounts—that is one of the key milestones for sales revenue expansion.

He is the former President of CompUSA, as well as the former VP and GM of AT&T’s worldwide PC business, and the former Senior VP of Dell North America. That is the resume we were looking for in a new CEO.

Read the full news release here.

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