NBT Research Report

With research firm IDC estimating data storage doubling every two years, the need for storage resources which can handle complex and mixed systems that combine both file and block data (i.e. unified data storage)...

NBT Initiates .75 Target On IceWEB Storage (IWEB) w/10X Upside
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IceWeb (IWEB) Gains 100+ Sales Team With Rackspace Deal

IceWEB added over 100 salespeople with their new deal with Rackspace...the data center leader in North America. The reason for this you ask? Three words: Rackspace Partner Program.

Announced on Tuesday, IceWeb enters the Rackspace Partner Program. If you have been following us or our sister site, CloudInvestor.com, then you would already know who Rackspace is. For those who don’t, they are the service leader in cloud computing. A MAJOR player in the Cloud Computing Industry.

With the growing demand for Cloud Storage, IceWeb creates its new Hosting Service, IceCLOUD, under the Rackspace Partner Program.

This recent announcement is definitely going to add mutual value for IceWeb and Rackspace, increasing the targeted exposure and reputation for both companies.

IceCLOUD, the new service being launched under the partnership, is a IceWeb's new cloud storage hosting solution. This solution provides turnkey cloud storage that will have the highest industry standards for bandwidth, security, data integrity and power redundancy. By utilizing IceWeb's IceSTORM Operating System, IceCLOUD is able to implement an end-to-end storage and disaster recovery solution.

What this means for its users is a simplistic, ease-of-use, convenient, and a total storage solution for mid-market organizations and enterprise data centers.

With the latest announcement, and with cloud storage becoming more in demand, we stand by our statement that you should buy shares now and hold them until they are bought out by one of the big guys who can't ignore the momentum that IceWeb is building.


About IceWEB, Inc.
Headquartered just outside of Washington, D.C., IceWEB manufactures award-winning, high performance unified data storage appliances with enterprise storage management capabilities at a fraction of the price of traditional providers. Through thin provisioning, target reduplication and inline compression, IceWEB's unified storage arrays enable standardization, consolidation and optimized storage utilization for virtual and cloud environments, saving up to 90% of storage costs, while reducing space, power and cooling requirements and simplifying storage management. For more information please call 800-465-4637 or visit www.iceweb.com.

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