Investor Presentation of the Week
Newtek Investor Luncheon with Chief Executive Office, Barry Sloane December 30, 2014

Newtek investor luncheon_12_30_14_final

Marcum MicroCap Conference 2015

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Tour the First American Oil Sands Production Plant from MCW Energy Group (MCWEF) - Part 1

NBT Equities Research founder Tobin Smith toured America’s first EPA approved oil sands production facility recently in Vernal, Utah with CEO Jerry Bailey and the construction manager. It’s a facinating process…oil sands go in the front of the plant and high quality 32 light sweet crude oil goes out the back. There is no water, heat, waste involved in the process…all the solvents used are recycled and used over and over again. This plant is the first of many to be built by MCW using its patented and EPA approved oil sands recovery technology. To tour the plant with Tobin and CEO Jerry Bailey
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